Brianha Joy Gray edition: When keeping it so-called “Real” goes Wrong:
Brianha Joy Gray is a lawyer, political consultant and political commentator who served as the press secretary for Bernie Sanders’ 2020...

The Myths of the war of Northern Aggression, Part I: Robert E. Lee, The Traitor and Oath Breaker
On Thursday June 4th, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced that the Commonwealth of Virginia will remove a statue in Richmond honoring...

“You’re a Mean, Mad White man!” An Analysis of the Dyson v Peterson Munk debate on PC relevance"
May 18th, 2018, Munk Debates hosted a debate on the topic of political correctness (even though that term was not clearly defined in any...

PhD Candidate Rant: Womanist and Black Theology in Atlantic History
PhD Research Rant: During some research regarding the Atlantic Slave trade for my dissertation and my book, I came across some writings...

Black vs Blue: A Conversation with a former White Supremacist
Enjoy our show where I discuss current racial issues, BLM, Blue Lives Matter and the affect on the Trump / Biden upcoming election with...

Why DEFUNDING the Police is the Wrong Thing for the Black Community...
The reality behind "defund" the police: What we as Black people should want is true police reform. For the police to actually Serve and...

Discussing the Myth of the Noble Confederacy!
Join Me and Rick Lockhart II as we discuss the myth of the Noble motives of the Confederacy!

Discussion of Racial Bias in Law Enforcement with Police Officer A. Broadway
Join us for our discussion of Racial Bias Law Enforcement with Police Officer Alexander Broadway, please enjoy.

Why the Hypocrisy of Black Lives Matters….“MATTERS”
Black Lives Matter is a nice catch phrase and a great hashtag; but also, an empty slogan. An empty slogan pushed by a broad neoliberal...

The Fourth of July and the Modern Black Experience
Disclaimer: Before we get to it, let me be clear: I fully understand and appreciate the actuality that systemic and institutional White...